An interesting grab bag of items about Bobby, saved by his teenage girlfriend, Patricia. They include:
1.) a 2.5″ x 3.5″ snapshot of Bobby at the beach with a pal (Patricia, or someone, has written “Sherwood” and “Bob” on the chests of the boys in the picture).
2.) a 2.5″ x 3.5″ flower card congratulating Pat on her graduation and birthday and signed “Love Bob.
3.) a note from a doctor at St. Joseph Hospital in Burbank excusing Bobby from active sports due to a right index finger injury.
4.) a cut page from a magazine showing Bobby in the 1951 film When I Grow Up.
5.) a cover or page from what appears to have been a high school notebook, with a drawing of a blonde girl on it, the name “Bob” written in large letters (with the name “Pat” written inside those letters).